The SBI PO 2018 Recruitment Notification has been issued and Interested eligible Applicants may be done online registration via official website from 21st April to 13th May 2018. SBI PO 2018 Application form submission has been started to apply for the probationary officer or PO post as per latest updates. Candidates, who wish to apply online for the examination are advised to regularly update with us. Candidates can check SBI PO 2018 Important dates for examination because here we have updated not only all the exam dates but also SBI PO Exam Pattern, syllabus, eligibility criteria, vacancies details, etc for all the Applicants help.
All the Applicants may check full information and details from here about SBI PO 2018 Recruitment, Notification, Application Form availability, education qualification, age limit, how to apply online, application procedure, etc.
To know more information about SBI PO Recruitment 2018 Recruitment and vacancies Must read the given below details.
SBI PO jobs 2018 -19 Official Notification Out - संपूर्ण जानकारी यहाँ पाएँ / Get all the information here
SBI PO Recruitment 2018 Details Overview State Bank of India (SBI) |
Name of Examination |
SBI PO 2018 |
Organized by |
State Bank of India (SBI) |
Name of Posts |
Probationary Officer |
Exam Mode |
Online |
Apply Mode |
Online |
Total Number of Vacancies |
2000 |
Official Website |
Important Dates for SBI PO 2018 vacancies: |
SBI PO 2018 Apply Online opening Date |
21st April 2018 |
SBI PO Application Form 2018 Last Date |
13th May 2018 |
SBI PO Prelims Call Letter |
18th June (onwards) |
SBI PO Prelims Result |
16th July 2018 |
SBI PO Main Call Letter |
20th July |
SBI PO Main Exam Date |
4th August 2018 |
SBI PO Main Result |
20th August 2018 |
What Is The Eligibility Criteria for SBI PO Recruitment Notification 2018? |
SBI PO | Educational Qualification: |
Applicants should have Graduate Degree / its equivalent from recognized institute and colleges. more details regarding it can simply be seen via official notification link given below. |
SBI PO Recruitment 2018 | Age Limit |
Age limit must have between 21 to 30. |
Application Fees for SBI PO Post Recruitment 2018 |
General / OBC: |
Rs. 600/- |
Rs. 100/- |
What is the Selection Process for SBI PO Recruitment 2018? |
Phase-I |
Preliminary Exam |
Phase-II |
Main Exam |
Some useful Important Links for SBI PO Recruitment Online Form 2018 |
Check SBI PO Mains Result |
SBI PO Mains Call Letter 2018 |
Download SBI PO 2018 Notification |
SBI PO 2018 Apply Online |
Click Here (closed now) |
Here, we have mentioned all the information about SBI PO Recruitment 2018, Exam Dates, Application Form, Application Fee, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern & Syllabus, Selection process, How to Apply Online, etc.
About SBI:
State Bank of India (SBI) is an Indian multinational, open area managing an account and money related administrations organization. It is an administration claimed partnership headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The organization is positioned 216th on the Fortune Global 500 rundown of the world's greatest enterprises starting at 2017. It is the biggest bank in India with a 23% piece of the pie in resources, other than an offer of one-fourth of the aggregate advance and stores advertise.
The SBI PO is the State Bank of India trial officer exam. This exam is begun in 1975 by IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection). The SBI PO initiates for Junior Management Grade-1 (JMG-Scale 1) Officer for their banks. The PO is regularly called as a scale-1 officer. Essentially, he is the associate supervisor in state banks of India in a specific branch. He deals with all the work in regards to the administration of bank approaches. For this officer, present SBI needs on initiates meriting competitors who can serve their banks and advances. Subsequently, SBI conducts exams for PO consistently to arrangement new personalities.
Candidates selection process will basis on Three-phase:
Phase-1: Preliminary Exam
Phase-2: Main Exam
Phase-3: Interview
Contenders who are willing to apply for SBI PO 2018 Recruitment Required to go the official website of State Bank of India PO to fill the recruitment application form. The website of SBI gets updated from time to time. Now after downloading it, you have to fill it with the instructions described in the online form. Applicants must read all the standard and policies of the government which is shared with them before filling up the form. Any type of missing or wrong information filled in the form can disqualify a Applicants. You do not miss spelling any important information i.e. Names, addresses and Degrees etc it will cancel your form. Answer or fill out all the information in a given order. Please check website so to get notified about the next update.
Note: You will need to scan copy of your photograph and soft copy of the signature for the Identification proof. Make sure you have your documents scanned till applying the form.
The SBI PO Candidate procedure is very easy, Candidates should have to take care in filling your personal data correctly in order to avoid misshapen. Here for the SBI PO 2018 Recruitment, we have stated the step to apply.
The exam pattern and syllabus play an important role in preparation for an exam. You by analyzing the syllabus will get the important topics for the respective exam, which will make your preparation easy. you should check the exam pattern in order to maintain speed during the exam time before examinations. To solve your problem to some extent we have shared the examination scheme and syllabus as well for the SBI PO Recruitment 2018.
The SBI PO exam has 2 phase of written exam:
Preliminary exam and main exam.
1. SBI PO Pre Exam Pattern
SL |
Name of Test (टेस्ट का नाम) |
Number of Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
1. |
English Language |
30 |
100 |
20 Minutes |
2. |
Quantitative Aptitude |
35 |
20 Minutes |
3. |
Reasoning Ability |
35 |
20 Minutes |
Total |
100 |
1 Hour |
For SBI PO Preliminary Exam: Preliminary Exam of SBI PO Is consisting of 3 section reasoning, quant, and general awareness. The total marks are hundred and the total duration is one hour. you have to prepare well for all the three sections In order to succeed in the prelims.
2. SBI PO Main Exam pattern:-
SBI PO Mains exam arrangement in two-phase one is Objective and another one is descriptive. We have updated the Objective exam pattern Here given below.
SL |
Test name |
Number of Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
1. |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude Test |
45 |
200 |
60 Minutes |
2. |
Data Analysis and Interpretation |
35 |
45 Minutes |
3. |
General/Economy/Banking Awareness |
40 |
35 Minutes |
4. |
“English Language ” |
35 |
40 Minutes |
Total |
155 |
3 Hours |
Now Any other descriptive test contains thirty minutes duration test with 50 marks of English language (Letter Writing & Essay). All Applicants need to secure the passing marks in the descriptive test decided by the Bank.
Note - Negative marking (नकारात्मक अंकन) for all wrong answer given by Applicants in the objective paper. 1/4 marks each wrong question will be deducted.
The SBI PO syllabus is the guideline for any competitive exam which gives us the frame to start our preparation. So here, we are providing you full complete details of the SBI PO 2018 syllabus.
Sr no. |
Topics |
Contents |
1 |
“ Machine coding and decoding Logical Reasoning Syllogism Puzzle / Seating Arrangement, Sentence coding, Data Sufficiency, Number series Blood relations etc”. |
2 |
“ Number system Simplification Approximation Data Interpretation (DI) – Line Graph, Bar Graph, Mixed Chart, Pie Chart etc Quadratic Equation etc” |
3 |
ENGLISH LANGUAGE (अंग्रेजी भाषा) |
“Vocabulary: Antonyms, Synonyms, Word formation and sentence correction. Comprehension: Detection, Theme Deriving conclusions, Passage completion, Error detection, and Passage Correction, Sentence correction. Spelling: Grammar, Idioms, and Phrases”. |
4 |
GENERAL AWARENESS (सामान्य जागरूकता) |
“Awards & Honors Sports, Finance, Agriculture, Indian economy International Economy, UNO, Marketing, Indian constitution, History of Banking, countries/currencies, Books & Their Authors, Banking Terms, Fiscal-Monetary Policies, etc”. |
The candidates are able to download the admit card from the official website After the application process completes. Applicants are able to download SBI PO 2018 Admit Card by using their registration number and password and should go through all the mentioned instructions peacefully. The SBI PO Mains Call Letter 2018 has been declared, we have updated here with an appropriate link.
Cut-Off marks are the minimum marks which should be obtained by the candidate to qualify the examination. The SBI PO 2018 Cut off marks will be issued by the SBI after the result declaration. The minimum marks required to qualify the exam will be published by the authorities and accordingly After the written exam, a merit list is formed. Applicants may check SBI PO 2018 Cut off marks of last year from here which was issued by the State bank of India.
We have provided the direct link to check SBI PO Prelims Result 2018 here after the completion of the prelims written examination. Only appeared Applicants will be able to get the examination scorecard. Participants required to fill the candidate's name and hall ticket number to download the SBI PO 2018 Result. For more updates, applicants required to keep regular update with us.
“Practice is key to success. Today’s practice will lead to tomorrow's success”. therefore, we have given some Preparation tips to Crack SBI PO 2018 Exam here.
1. Understand the entire topic in the syllabus of SBI PO.
2. To Take a mock drill to analyse which section is less scoring for you, and then prepare more for that section”.
3. Make sure you attempt the entire questions on duration time.
4. Exam prepares more for the topics which had come in previous papers.
5. You must practice more & more.
What do you want to clear the SBI PO 2018 exam on the first attempt? If yes, then you should join the SBI PO Online Coaching wherefrom you may study with video lectures, concepts, online practice tests, live classes, online test series, and previous year paper.