Nissansh Classes Pvt. Ltd

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  • Address: 2-y-5 Mahaveer Nagar 3rd Kota, Rajasthan
  • Year Established: 2015
  • Contact Person: Rudresh Tiwari
  • Contact No: 9828427275

Nissansh Classes Pvt. Ltd Who We Are

The honourable chairman of NISSANSH CLASSES Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Mohan Sharma’s thoughts are that the parents, the guardians and the great educationists must pay attention on the actual direction and state to the education system to evaluate the level and interest of the nation’s future (the students) properly. Otherwise the blemished news of education’s professionalism and commercial is going to be the form of front page, it is known to all. To leak the papers, the possibilities of shuffling in results, hopeless generation of the nations with the great burden of tension and unemployment put unanswerable questions on the education system and how they (the youngsters) take wrong step in depression, we all know very well to all these facts.