DCI Career Institute

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  • Address: Rajat Colony, Gate No.-3; Nainwa Road Bundi
  • Year Established: 2010
  • Contact Person: Ashok sahu
  • Contact No: 8104667739

DCI Career Institute Who We Are

Only in 7 years of its existence, DCI has reached the top in Bundi by making many students successful in securing AIPMT/IIT, ICAR/BHU and JETseats in various colleges/Inst. through CBSE/RBSE both medium. DCI Bundi's highly successful institute its established only 8 years ago and we have more than 7000 students in a very short time........Our result of competitive result 35 selection in ICAR and 350 selection in JET............and 100/100 marks Chemistry and physics its first time in Bundi history and 100/100 marks in math 97/100 in Agriculture 96/100 in biology in 12th board it is recorded in Bundi history