After some awaited for Recruitment notifications, IBPS or the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has released an official notification of IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2018 on 14th September 2018 on its official website to recruit 7275 posts eligible Applicants for the post of Clerk-VIII. IBPS Clerk Application Form 2018 submission has been started from 18th September and candidates can apply online for Clerk-VIII till 10th October 2018. IBPS Clerk 2018 Recruitment has been published for total 7275 vacancies. IBPS Clerk 2018 Exam Dates has been announced and Prelims exam is set to be held on 8th December, 9th December, 15th December, and 16th December 2018 and Clerk-VIII Main exam held on 20th January 2019. Yearly, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection or IBPS conducts clerk examination on the behalf of public sector banks. All the eligible interested Applicants are able to fill IBPS Clerk online Application Form 2018 via online mode on or before the last date.
All the Applicants may check full information and details from here about IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2018, Notification, Application Form availability, education qualification, age limit, how to apply online, application procedure, etc.
To know more information about IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2018 and vacancies Must read the given below details.
New Latest Update for IBPS CLERK 2018: IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2018 Notification has been released for total 7275 posts. The online Application Form submission has been started for IBPS Clerk 2018 and it will be closed on 10th October. Eligible Interested Applicants should apply now.
IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2018 Details Overview Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) |
Name of Examination |
IBPS Clerk-VIII 2018 |
conducts by |
Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection (IBPS) |
Name of Posts |
Clerk-VIII |
Exam Mode |
Online |
Apply Mode |
Online |
Total Number of Vacancies |
7275 |
Official Website |
Important Dates | IBPS Clerk-VIII 2018 Vacancies: |
IBPS Clerk 2018 Notification published Date |
14th September 2018 |
IBPS Clerk 2018 Application Form Start Date |
18th September 2018 |
IBPS Clerk Application Form 2018 Last Date to Apply Online |
10th October 2018 |
IBPS Clerk 2018 Last Date to Pay Fee |
10th October 2018 |
IBPS Clerk 2018 Prelims Call Letter |
November 2018 |
What Is The Eligibility Criteria for IBPS Clerk Notification 2018? |
IBPS Clerk 2018 | Educational Qualification: |
Applicants should have A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognized by the Govt. Of India Applicants should have Certificate/Diploma/Degree in computer operations/Language/ should have studied Computer / Information Technology as one of the subjects in the High School/College/Institute |
IBPS Clerk CWE VIII 2018 | Age Limit |
Minimum Age: 20 Years Maximum Age: 28 Years Age relaxation will be applicable for the reserved category Applicants as per the Indian Government Rules. |
Application Fees for IBPS Clerk 2018 Notification |
General / OBC: |
Rs. 600/- (Application Fee including intimation charges) |
Rs.100/- (only Intimation Charges) |
What is the Selection Process for IBPS Clerk Exam 2018? |
Online Preliminary Examination |
Computer Based Test Objective (CBT) |
Online Mains Examination |
Computer Based Test Objective (CBT) |
Some useful Important Links for IBPS Clerk Recruitment Online Form 2018 |
Download IBPS Clerk 2018 Notification |
IBPS Clerk 2018 online Application Form |
Here, we have mentioned all the information about IBPS Clerk Recruitment Online Form 2018, Exam Dates, Application Form, Application Fee, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern & Syllabus, Selection process, How to Apply Online, etc.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection also called IBPS, is a recruitment body that was begun with an expectation to encourage the recruitment and placement of young graduates in public sector banks in India (except SBI). It also Gives standardized systems for assessment and result processing services to organizations.
After their nationalization in India in 1969, Indian banks expected to extend their branch network across the country so that they were more accessible to their customers. The national over with the target that they were more open to their clients. This required more staff however enlistment through techniques, for example, publicizing were inadmissible. Along these lines, the banks solicited the National Institute from Bank Management (NIBM) to plan a choice testing process through which they could employ capable candidates. The NIBM office that took care of the test was changed over into the IBPS in 1984. IBPS as of now works as a self-governing system that is basically occupied with directing aggressive exams for enrollment to administrative (प्रशासनिक) and officers' posts in the saving money division.
State and Category wise Post details:
Bank Name |
Gen |
SC |
ST |
Total |
Uttar Pradesh |
471 |
255 |
205 |
13 |
944 |
Uttrakhand |
69 |
8 |
19 |
11 |
97 |
Rajasthan |
141 |
49 |
44 |
34 |
268 |
Madhya Pradesh |
168 |
42 |
43 |
72 |
325 |
Bihar |
122 |
31 |
24 |
01 |
178 |
Chandigarh |
24 |
09 |
04 |
0 |
37 |
Chhattisgarh |
52 |
04 |
08 |
25 |
89 |
Jharkhand |
59 |
13 |
12 |
26 |
110 |
Haryana |
84 |
39 |
23 |
0 |
146 |
Delhi |
181 |
100 |
53 |
28 |
362 |
West Bengal |
195 |
92 |
102 |
21 |
410 |
Gujatat |
266 |
141 |
40 |
86 |
533 |
Goa |
34 |
06 |
0 |
08 |
48 |
Himachal Pradesh |
45 |
17 |
22 |
06 |
90 |
Jammu & Kashmir |
38 |
15 |
01 |
07 |
61 |
Daman & Diu |
01 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
01 |
Karnataka |
311 |
159 |
97 |
51 |
618 |
Kerala |
173 |
74 |
40 |
04 |
291 |
Lakshadeep |
01 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
01 |
Dadar & Nagar Haveli (दादर �"र नगर हवेली) |
02 |
0 |
0 |
01 |
03 |
Maharashtra |
396 |
201 |
95 |
80 |
772 |
Manipur |
04 |
01 |
0 |
03 |
08 |
Meghalaya |
06 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
06 |
Mizoram |
02 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
02 |
Nagaland |
04 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
04 |
Odisha |
100 |
21 |
29 |
41 |
191 |
Puducherry |
17 |
04 |
01 |
0 |
22 |
Punjab |
209 |
86 |
110 |
0 |
405 |
Assam |
55 |
18 |
07 |
14 |
94 |
Sikkim |
06 |
03 |
0 |
01 |
10 |
Tamil Naidu |
432 |
207 |
148 |
05 |
792 |
Telangana |
83 |
41 |
22 |
16 |
162 |
Tripura |
11 |
0 |
03 |
04 |
18 |
Andhra Pradesh |
84 |
37 |
31 |
15 |
167 |
Arunachal Pradesh |
06 |
0 |
0 |
04 |
10 |
Andaman & Nicobar |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1. It is mandatory for the Applicant to have a degree from the government recognized college or university or the equivalent alternative of a degree considered. There is no particular field specified, an Applicant from any study background is allowed only having the degree is mandatory. Also, the applicant should have knowledge of computer and the local language.
2. The applicant must have a valid Mark-sheet (मान्य मार्क शीट) OR Degree Certificate.
3. Computer Literacy (कंप्यूटर साक्षरता): Applicants should have a Diploma/Certificate/Degree in computer operations/language OR should have studied via Computer/IT (Information Technology) as one of the subjects in the High School/College/Institute. Candidates must be have working and operating knowledge in computer systems is compulsory.
4. Proficiency in the Official Language (आधिकारिक भाषा) of the State/UT (applicants should know how to write, read as well as speak the Official Language (आधिकारिक भाषा) of the State/UT) for which vacancies an applicant wishes to apply is good.
The age relaxation will be applicable according to the below-given table. So please Let's check:
Age Relaxation |
Category |
5 years |
3 Years |
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) |
10 Years |
Persons With Disabilities |
Real period service rendered in the defence forces + 3 years (8 years for Disabled Ex-Servicemen belonging to SC/ST) subject to a maximum age limit of 50 years |
Ex-S / Disabled Ex-S |
5 years |
Persons affected by 1984 riots |
5 years |
The Union Carbide Factory of Regular employees, Bhopal retrenched from service (Applicable to Madhya Pradesh state only) |
5 years |
Persons ordinarily domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) during the period 1st January 1980 to 31st December 1989 |
9 Years |
Divorced women, Widows, and women legally separated from their husbands who have not remarried |
Note: Applicants are advised to wait till official notification release because possibly the eligibility criteria will be changed after releasing the official notification.
Candidates selection process will basis on three-phase:
Tier-1: preliminary exam ((CBT)
Tier-2: Main exam(CBT)
Tier-3: Interview
Now the next question gets up, How to apply? you Do not worry; it is very easy to apply for IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2018. For your help, we have stated the steps of application procedure below. The online exam will be operated via online mode. candidates are advised to fill the IBPS Clerk 2018 Application Form till the last date because after the deadline no one will be applicable to fill IBPS Clerk Application Form 2018. Candidates are able to do IBPS Clerk 2018 online registration from 18th September to 10th October 2018. The Application form has been released on 18th September, we have be updated here full all details with full information. Applicants are suggested to follow the mentioned steps.
The IBPS Clerk Recruitment Exam 2018 is echeloned into two parts: Preliminary and Main examination. The preliminary exam (phase – 1) consists of English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability. However, Main Examination is the lie of General/ Financial Awareness, Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, General English, and Quantitative Aptitude. You must review the exam pattern of the particular exam for the best preparation. The Preliminary Examination (phase – 1)will be conducted via online mode. The Prelims exam consists of hundred objective type questions of 100 marks & 3 sections. The Main Examination will be conducted online. There will be negative marking (नकारात्मक अंकन) of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
(1) IBPS Clerk 2018 Preliminary Exam Pattern:
Subjects |
Total Questions |
Marks |
Time |
English Language |
30 |
30 |
20 minutes |
Numerical Ability |
35 |
35 |
20 minutes |
Reasoning Ability |
35 |
35 |
20 minutes |
Total |
100 |
100 |
(2) IBPS Clerk 2018 Mains Exam Pattern:
Subjects |
Total Questions |
Total Marks |
Exam Language |
Total Time Allotted |
General/ Financial Awareness (सामान्य / वित्तीय जागरूकता) |
50 |
50 |
English & Hindi |
35 Minutes |
General English (सामान्य अंग्रेजी) |
40 |
40 |
English only |
35 Minutes |
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude (तर्क क्षमता �"र कंप्यूटर योग्यता) |
50 |
60 |
English & Hindi |
45 Minutes |
Quantitative Aptitude (मात्रात्मक रूझान) |
50 |
50 |
English & Hindi |
45 Minutes |
Total |
190 |
200 |
160 Minutes |
The general three sections of the preliminary examination are Reasoning, English Language and Numerical Ability. Every one of these sections has various subheadings to focus on when preparing for IBPS Clerk CWE.
IBPS Clerk 2018 Exam Syllabus (Preliminary Exam +Mains Exam):
English Language (अंग्रेजी भाषा) |
Numerical Ability (संख्यात्मक क्षमता) |
Reasoning Ability (तर्क योग्यता) |
Computer (कंप्यूटर) |
General Awareness (सामान्य जागरूकता) |
Reading Comprehension |
Number Series |
Puzzle and Arrangements |
Introduction to Computer Organisation |
Banking and Insurance Awareness |
Fillers |
Quadratic Equations |
Inequality |
History and Generation of Computers |
Financial Awareness |
Cloze Test |
Simplification/ Approximation |
Syllogism |
Computer Hardware and I/O Devices |
Current Affairs |
Sentence Improvement |
Data Sufficiency |
Coding - Decoding |
Computer Languages, Basics of DBMS |
Govt. Schemes and Policies |
Spotting Errors |
Miscellaneous |
Direction sense |
Operating System, Internet |
Static Awareness |
Fill in the Blanks |
Data Interpretation |
Blood Relations |
Computer Network & Security |
Order and Ranking |
Computer Memory, Computer Software |
MS Office Suit and Short cut keys |
Number System and Conversions |
Applicants, who will successfully submit the application form will be qualified to download IBPS Clerk 2018 Admit Card from the official website. IBPS Clerk Prelims Admit Card 2018 will be published before 10 to 15 days of online examination. IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam is set to be held on 8th December, 9th December, 15th December, and 16th December 2018 and IBPS Clerk Preliminary Admit Card 2018 is expected to be published in last week of November. Applicants are advised to take a hard copy of admit card to the exam hall else they won’t be allowed to sit in the examination hall.
The cut-off marks are the minimum marks expected for the candidate to qualify the exam. These scores will be released after the exam by number of candidates gave the exam, number of vacancies and the difficulty grade of the exam. The Cut-Off marks for IBPS Clerk 2018 will be ejective and published as soon as the Last result is declared. Each applicant will be expected to obtain minimum marks in each paper of Online Examination as well as also minimum total marks to be considered for further procedure. based on a number of the State-wise Posts available, IBPS Clerk Cut-Off 2018 will be determined and applicants will be considered for provisional (अनंतिम) allotment.
IBPS Clerk Preliminary exam will be held on 8th December, 9th December, 15th December, and 16th December 2018 and IBPS Clerk Prelims Result 2018 will be announced after 15 days of examination on the official website.
We have catalogued here Tips & Preparation Strategy to Crack IBPS Clerk Exam 2018. So follow the points mentioned below.
The better option to get good marks in the IBPS Clerk Exam is Online Coaching. If you join IBPS Clerk 2018 Online Coaching then you will practice by solving the online practice tests, online test series, and Previous year papers. Live classes and video lectureship will help you to study better.