SSC General Awareness Solved Papers Chapterwise 9100 Objective Question 1997 to till Date

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Paperback: 1016 pages

Publisher: Kiran Prakashan (2015)

Language: English


Product Dimensions: 26.4 x 18.8 x 4.1 cm

The book “SSC General Awareness - Chapter wise Solved Papers 1997 to till Date (9100+Objective Question)” is one of the best books for competitive exams. The book includes objective question and answers with their explanations. Previous years solved papers are also provided in the book. In total the book has various portions that will help in learning and gaining knowledge to the readers. Besides, due to having proper explanations of question this book is considered as one of the best books for clearing SSC entrance exam.

This book is also useful for SSC Graduate Level Exam - Combined graduate level Pre Exam , CPO Sub Inspector, Section Officer (Audit), Tax Assistant (Income Tax and Central Excise ), Section Officer (Commercial Audit), Statistical Investigators , Combined Graduate Level Tier-I, SAS, CISF, ASI, CPO, ASI and Intelligence officer, FCI, Delhi police SI etc., SSC 10+2 Level Exam-Data entry operator and LDC, Stenographer Grade 'C' and 'D', SSC Combined level Exam -Combined Matric Level Pre Exam, multitasking (Non-technical) staff, CISF Constable (GD), Constable (GD) and Rifleman (GD). Table of Contents: World History Indian History Indian Art and Culture Geography of India Indian Polity and Constitution Physical Geography World Economy Indian Economy Economics Science and Technology Physics Chemistry Biology (Zoology, Botany, Health), Environment and Agriculture Computer and IT Discoveries and Invention (Branches of Science and Technology)Honours and Awards Books and Authors Important Decades, Years and Day International Events UNO, Other International and National Organisations Sports National Events Miscellaneous Census: 2011

About the author:

The book has been published by Kiran Prakashan. Various talented and expert writers work with Kiran Prakashan, who writes for the competitive books.