SSC CGL Tier-1 Mock Test Series, SSC CGL Exam Pattern, SSC CGL Test Paper

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SSC, Best SSC Mock test details

Sectional Test

Test Name Quesions Marks Duration (in Minutes)
Test 1 100 200 60
Test 2 100 100 60
Test 3 100 100 60
Test 4 100 100 60
Test 5 100 100 60
Test 6 100 100 60
Test 7 100 100 60
Test 8 100 100 60
Test 9 100 100 60
Test 10 100 100 60
Test 11 100 100 60
Test 12 100 100 60
Test 13 100 100 60
Test 14 100 100 60
Test 15 100 100 60

SSC CGL Tier-1 Mock Test Series, SSC CGL Exam Pattern, SSC CGL Test Paper

SSC CGL 2023 Previous Year Question Papers:

In any competitive exam, the previous year’s question papers are the key to success. There is lot of questions that already asked in the examination helps a lot to know about the nature and pattern of the exam you are going to crack. Now we introduce ourselves as the best SSC CGL previous question papers providers online in your budget. We collected the best questions asked by SSC in previous years that will surely help you out to crack the exam. Feel free to contact us to get the papers or if you have any kind of query regarding them.

SSC CGL 2023 Mock Test Series:

Mock tests are the backbone of the preparation for every competitive exam. They provide you power and confidence that helps a lot to crack the exam. We are the best SSC CGL 2023 Mock test series providers that are available on the net based on the 5 previous years question papers. We prepared our mock test series after huge research on the topic that will surely help you to get succeed. Also, we provides mock tests for every competition exams that you can explore by visiting other sections of our site and please contact us for your every need regarding competitive examinations.

SSC CGL 2023 Recruitment, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Latest Vacancy & Important Dates

SSC or we can say Staff Selection Commission is an Indian Government department that was founded 1967-68 and owned by Government of India to recruit the employees for the various Departments and Ministries. They regularly dispatch the jobs of the desired candidates through various competitive exams. Now they are going to conduct SSC CGL Recruitment 2023 Exam in coming months. They will hire on many different posts including Assistants in Ministries/Departments, Attached and Subordinate office of the Govt. of India, Inspectors of Central Excise & Customs, Inspectors of Income Tax, Preventive Officers in Customs, Examiner in Customs, Sub-Inspectors in Central Bureau of Narcotics & CBI, Assistant Enforcement Officer in Directorate of Enforcement, Department of Revenue, Divisional Accountant, Jr. Accountant, Auditor & UDCs in various offices of Govt. of India, Auditor Offices under C&AG, CGDA, CGA & others, Accountant/ Junior Accountant, Tax Assistant in CBDT and CBEC, Compiler in Registrar General of India. Here we are going to share with you all the information about SSC CGL Mains ResultSSC CGL Mains Result DateSSC CGL SyllabusSSC CGL Cut Off, & SSC CGL News.

SSC CGL 2023 Exam Pattern:

SSC will conduct this exam into these stages:

SSC CGL 2023 Tier-1 Exam Pattern:

Type of Exam


No. of Questions

Total Marks

Duration of Time

Objective Multiple Choice (Computer Based online)

General Intelligence and Reasoning



A cumulative time of 60 minutes

Quantitative Aptitude



General Awareness



English Comprehension               



Grand Total




SSC CGL 2023 Tier-2 Exam Pattern:

Type of Exam


No. of Questions

Total Marks

Duration of Time

Objective Multiple Choice (Computer Based online)

English Language and Comprehension



2 hours

Quantitative Ability



2 hours

General Studies (Finance and Economics)



2 hours




2 hours

Grand Total





SSC CGL 2023 Tier-3 Exam Pattern:

Subject Name


Time Duration

Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi (Writing of Essay, Precis, Letter, Application etc.)


60 Minutes


SSC CGL 2023 Tier-4 Exam Pattern:

This exam will be conducted in two phases-

Phase 1 DEST: “Candidates are required to type 2000 words in 15 minutes on a computer in English. This test is conducted to check a candidate's writing skills.”

Phase 2 CPT: “This test is conducted to check a candidate's proficiency in Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Generation of Slides.”

SSC CGL 2023 Syllabus:

SSC CGL Syllabus 2023 includes the subjects mentioned in the exam pattern of SSC CGL 2023. The detailed Syllabus of SSC CGL 2023 is mentioned below according to the subjects.

Tier -1:

General Intelligence & Reasoning:

“Classification, Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Puzzle, Matrix, Word Formation, Venn Diagram, Direction and Distance, Blood Relations, Series, Verbal reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning.”

General Awareness:

“Static General Knowledge (Indian History, Culture etc.)               , Science, Current Affairs, Sports, Books and Authors, Important Schemes, Portfolios, people in News.”

Quantitative Aptitude:

“Simplification, Interest, Averages, percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Problem on Ages, Speed, Distance and Time, Number System, Mensuration, Data Interpretation, Time and Work, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry.”

English Comprehension:

“Reading Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Spellings, Phrases and Idioms, One word Substitution, Sentence Correction, Error Spotting.”

Tier -2:

Quantitative Aptitude:

“Simplification, Interest, Averages, percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Speed, Distance and Time, Number System, Mensuration, Data Interpretation, Time and Work, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Data Sufficiency.”

English Language:

“Reading Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Spellings, Phrases and Idioms, One word Substitution, Sentence Correction, Error Spotting, Cloze Test, Para Jumbles, Synonyms-Antonyms, Active-Passive Voice.”


“Collection and Representation of Data, Measure of Dispersion, Measure of Central Tendency, Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis, Correlation and Regression, Random Variables, Sampling Theory, Analysis and Variance, Time Series Analysis, Index Number.”

General Awareness:

“Finance and Accounting, Fundamental Principles, Financial Accounting, Basic Concepts of Accounting, Self-Balancing Ledger, Error Spotting and Correction, Economics and Governance, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Finance Commission, Theory of Demand and Supply.”

Tier -3:

“Tier-III of SSC CGL 2023 exam is a descriptive exam to test the written skills of the candidates in English/Hindi. The mode of examination is offline and students are required to write essays, précis, application, letter etc. in this exam. The exam carries 100 marks and the time allotted for the same is 60 minutes. The time allotted for candidates belonging to PWD category is increased to 80 minutes. Tier-III paper is given by specific candidates who are interested only for the post of “Statistical Investigator Grade II” & “Compiler”.”

Tier -4:

DEST (Data Entry Speed Test): “For the post of Tax Assistant (Central Excise and Income Tax), DEST Exam through SSC CGL 2023 exam is conducted to check the typing speed of the candidate. The candidates are given an article in English which they have to type on Computer. A candidate is required to type 2000 words in 15 minutes.”

CPT (Computer Proficiency Test): “Word Processing, Spread Sheets and Generation of slides are the three modules that are important for this exam and the commission demands a candidate to be proficient in it for the post of CSS, MEA, Inspector (Central Excise), Inspector (Preventive Officer), and Inspector (Examiner).”

“Tier-I and Tier-II exam is compulsory for all posts mentioned in the SSC CGL 2023 Notification of while Tier-III is specifically for candidates applying for the post of Statistical Investigator Grade-II and Compiler. Similarly, Tier-IV exam is taken by candidates applying specifically for TA, CSS, MEA and Inspector.”

SSC CGL 2023 Selection Process:

In the SSC CGL 2023 Selection Procedure the process includes various stages and candidates should go through all of them one by one. Candidates must complete the first stage and have to move forward to the next ones. Here is the complete selection procedure for SSC CGL 2023.

1.       First Stage Tier-1 Objective Multiple Choice

2.       Second Stage Tier-2 Objective Multiple Choice

3.       Third Stage Tier-3 Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi

4.       Fourth Stage Tier-4 Skill Test/Computer Proficiency Test

5.       Fifth Stage Final Result

SSC CGL 2023 Cut Off:

Staff Selection Commission conducts this exam all over the nation and they declare the SSC CGL cut off is announced by SSC according to the respected category, where candidate belongs to. SSC CGL expected Cut off denotes the minimum marks for the selection of the candidate and here is the SSC CGL Expected Cut Off. They have to clear the cut off to get selected.

SSC CGL 2023 Admit Card:

SSC normally dispatch the admit card 10 days prior the examination and you will be able to download the SSC CGL Admit Card 2023 from the official SSC Website.

SSC CGL Result 2023 :

As per the SSC CGL 2023 exam the result will be declared within 2 to 3 months after the successful completion of the exam. The first stage will include the SSC CGL Tier -1 and the second stage will include SSC CGL Tier-2. If the candidate got selected into the Tier 1 of SSC CGL then he will be eligible to attend the Tier 2 and after the completion he will attend the SSC CGL Tier 3 and Tier 4 and after successfully completion of the examination the SSC will announce the SSC CGL Mains Result DateSSC CGL Final Result will be declared soon, please visit the site on the regular basis for the SSC CGL Update.